We believe that dreamers who have spent their entire lives pursuing unusual approaches for the betterment of others have the odds stacked against them. For that reason, we are willing to dream alongside them to turn the tables around.
What Do We Seek?
The Lost Boys and Girls (LBGs), as in Neverland, who invent the future, using deep technology as an important lever to tackle challenges at scale that can positively impact a huge cross section of life.
We believe in people, humble, hard working, resilient, resourceful, realistic but dreamers, givers and leaders, with an open mind and an ‘Always Be Learning’ and ‘Always Do your Best’ attitude, but also well-balanced in their personal lives.
We believe that deep technologies founded on information principles, such as AI robotics, blockchain, synthetic biology, semiconductors/IoT, etc., have the potential to enhance a number of sectors, which are key to build a sustainable future for humanity and our planet at large, including space, transportation, health, food and more.
We look for LBGs to establish long term, strategically aligned relationships to enrich their dreams and add value to the process of building, scaling and crystallising value in technology driven solutions that aim at solving real challenges on our planet…and sometimes beyond.
Are you a LBG?
LBGs come in a variety of shapes and forms: some are inventors, other scientists, some cyberpunks and others green activists; some are polymaths and some singularly focused, sometimes purely self-taught yet often times highly experiential souls….LBGs are sometimes young, sometimes more experienced, many times blue, often times red, frequently extroverted and eventually introverted…it’s a diverse and colourful crowd
In particular, we enjoy partnering with LBGs with:
A child-like ingenuity and naivety to dream and execute on new paradigms, in the face of chaos and insurmountable obstacles
Creativity, curiosity, resourcefulness, grit, flexibility and puzzle solving mindset at the heart of their craft
A sound value-driven character with humility, generosity and open mind to engage constructively with other LBGs
Why are we doing this?
The last economic cycles have resulted in the allocation of a disproportionate amount of capital to technology companies in search for yield.
However, the social and economic system has paid limited attention to the potential long term costs to quality of life, society and nature at large. The upside from this game has accrued to a small number of places, increasing inequality despite us living in an era of abundance.
We believe there is an underserved market for businesses that have the following considerations as their core foundational principles:
Aim to solve specific yet significant real problems for humans, society and nature
Use fundamental technology to provide leverage at scale
Have significant potential network effects
Founders and their organizations have a robust and applied set of ethics and principles
We aspire to be agents of positive change. To channel ‘aware capital’ and provide leverage to entrepreneurs that aim to develop concepts and ideas where technology accelerates the empowerment of the well being of people, community and our planet, at scale.